And I Thought A Lot Happened Last Week…

I thought that last week was nuts, but apparently it was only a warm up to this week. This week, the near apocalypse, Hurricane Sandy. The storm for which I casually bought a few extra batteries and cans of tuna, not thinking it would end up being any big deal. But a big deal it was. Check out what Sandy left us…

tree in driveway

Yes, that there is one big tree lying across our driveway.
And then there’s also this one that fell on the back of the garage roof:



I’m sure glad we weren’t in the house when that happened.

Hello AllState Homeowner’s Insurance policy. Wasn’t planning on getting to know you this well just yet, if ever. Aaaarrrrgh. But we really can’t complain… things were so much worse for so many other people in this area. This storm was huge, destructive and very scary. All things considered, we were really lucky. The power was out for two days at our rental house and just came back on last night. The rental is on the same electrical grid as the Nyack hospital so we are always the first to get power back (oh, hospital electrical grid, how I will miss you). The new house is not on that grid so it is still without power. I figured Fred and Blair wouldn’t be able to work, but they didn’t let a silly little thing like a hurricane get in their way, oh no. My boys brought a generator over, fired it up, and kept right on working. They are like energizer bunnies, those two, god love ’em. I went by today and they had an electrician in the house doing all of the electrical wiring. We decided on placement of wall and ceiling speakers and fixtures, and I asked them to go ahead and move the door in the kitchen. They needed a real kitchen layout in order to decide exactly where to place the door, so I’ve got an appointment with a kitchen cabinet guy on Monday to get something put together in CAD. I can’t wait. Very exciting. AND, I found out from Brad, another neighbor, the story of the demise of the deer. Apparently Mike came over to get the deer about half an hour after we’d told him it was fine for him to come get it anytime, but the deer was cemented into the ground with rebar and it just came apart when he tried to lift it. Kind of sad, but Brad did catch it on camera…


You get an A for Effort, Mike. Better luck next time.

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