We’re Closing!

AT LAST, the bank gave us a closing date last Friday of this Tuesday, as in tomorrow! So tomorrow we go sign on the dotted line(s) and exchange money for keys. I did the walk-through of the house today and it looks awful… it’s so in need of some TLC. Just getting that carpet out will be such an improvement. Oh, and the seller’s agent said that if we don’t want the deer, our next door neighbors will take it. This might be the best option for the little guy… rather than having a housewarming party and taking a sledgehammer to him while liquored up. Or painting him hot pink and displaying him out and proud in the backyard. At least he’ll go to a good home if we give him away. The neighbors seem like decent folk. I will ponder this option.

The husband and I walked over to the house yesterday and wandered around the front and back yards. All the trees need trimming and both yards are overgrown with weeds. Nothing that More Money can’t fix. The husband started having a small freak-out about how much work this place is going to be but he was able to talk himself off the ledge. Also we took pics…


Awwww, isn’t he cute.

deer & Husband

And the husband’s not bad, either.

We also met our neighbor across the street… an older woman who seems to have serious hoarding tendencies. And talks a lot. But she seems very sweet and was quite entertaining. Her grown sons were helping her host a yard sale, and it looked like they’d be doing more of them (they’re trying to help her downsize so they can move her to a condo), so at least I’ll have some yard sale goodness going on close by. Bonus.

Fingers crossed all goes well tomorrow at the closing!

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