Moving Right Along

Yep it’s been awhile since I last posted. Bad Dana. What can I say, I’ve had stuff goin’ on. Including taking off to Mexico for a week to watch sunsets and eat fish tacos. 😉

D & J

But much has been happening over the last month in our little house. First, kitchen cabinets arrived…

cabinets in boxes

And they went up fast…


Then, a small army of plumbers, electricians and carpenters showed up to make sure all the various pipes and wires would work correctly…

So that it looked like this right before the countertops arrived:

before countertops

And then, another small army of big strong guys showed up with a ton of granite…

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The install took six guys and all day, but the countertops look amazing. After they were installed, we took a break for Christmas. Big shout-out to Flair for making sure I had a functional kitchen by Christmas! Here’s a pic of Flair’s Christmas presents (bottle of gin for Fred and a case of Bud Light for Blair) under the tree, awwwwww…


Right after Christmas, Flair came by to start on the herringbone backsplash.

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Which ended up looking like this… purrrrrr….

finished tiles

And just last week, the shelves arrived and got installed, so we’ve now got those lovelies in place, too.


Now Flair just need to replace one of the cabinets, finish the moulding, finish the toe kicks, cap off two electrical outlets, redo the outside siding where the door used to be, install new gutters along the back of the garage, replace the glass in two garage windows, and fix a hole in the wall in the master bedroom. And probably about twenty other things that I’ll discover that I want them to do. Not too long of a list, no. But in the meantime, things are looking good… really good… and we’re loving it here. More to come…

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